Quester Tangent manufacturing employs high levels of automation, captured in our powerful, modern Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. Our ERP manages processes and production, including material requirements and planning. Efficient production phasing enables production capacity of 7,000+ subassemblies per year.
The same ERP system controls and oversees inventory for our clients, including obsolescence management, offering full traceability. We use inventory-management best practices in the full spirit of lean manufacturing principles.
Quester Tangent is ISO 9001:2008 certified and manufactures to IPC-A-610 Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies Class II standards and customer requirements. All production staff are Certified IPC Specialists (IPC-A-610 CIS), including two in-house Certified IPC Trainers (IPC-A-610 CIT). We are also certified for IPC/WHMA-A-620 Cable and Wire Harness Assemblies. We test all our products using state-of-the-art environmental stress-screening equipment to deliver high quality, reliable electronics.
With an impressive record of on-time delivery for all project and product deliverables, Quester Tangent manufacturing continues to reach toward decreasing cost and production cycle times.
Quester Tangent manufacturing regularly achieves 100% on-time delivery of all project and product deliverables on a three-month rolling basis and better than 95% on-time delivery of all project and product deliverables on a 12-month rolling basis.
To remain cost competitive, Quester Tangent applies best manufacturing principles (5S and Lean Manufacturing) and partners with global suppliers for high-volume production.
Our flexible manufacturing layout is specially designed to allow for rapid reconfiguration so we can respond quickly to changes in production volume and product type. This adaptability means that we can easily scale up for high-volume manufacturing or meet the demands of high-mix, low-volume production.

- Environmental Stress Screening (ESS)
- Wire harness and cable assembly manufacturing equipment
- TestWise Quality Test Equipment
- High Potential Testing (HIPOT)
- NCR & RMA troubleshooting
- PCB rework stations